...when we have lost our motivation and our hearts run dry, we go back to what it is that we value most. When love starts to grow cold, we seek God's face. When we are in need, we trust in His supply. When we are at the end of ourselves, we go lower still and to the least of these. When faced with hardship and persecution, we choose not to lose our reward by retreating. And we resolve that our boundless joy will supply us with all the energy and direction we need.
Author Rolland Baker, founder of Iris Global shares the heart of revival: Jesus. Within this context. he discusses his organization's five core values:
1. Find God
2. Depend on miracles
3. Go the least
4. Suffer for Him, if necessary
5. Rejoice in the Lord
This book challenged me in both positive and negative ways. The negative challenge was that I do not agree with all of his theology. And at some points it seems as if he is saying, "Jesus is the only Way... but if you want to get there you have to take these steps to success." However, I think most of the problem is that he is unclear in some of his explanations. The positive challenge was that I was forced to consider what I believe God is capable of doing. Is He still the God of miracles? Baker suggests that one reason that God does not do many miracles in the United States is that perhaps our focus would be on the miracle rather than on Him. All in all, this is an excellent read if you want to be challenged.
To learn more about author Rolland Baker and his ministry, click HERE.
I received this book from Chosen Books for this review.